The split-screen, as the name indicates, allows you to divide the screen and use different apps simultaneously. You may sometimes want to watch a video while working or modify data from Linkedin to Insta for your story. The split-screen mode makes your work easier.
This feature has been traveling along with the Android phones and tablets for a long time. But very few people about this option. So here are a few steps to enjoy the multi-tasking option.
- Open the two apps, you wish to use at the same time, one after another.
- Tap the Overview button (Task switcher button/ Recent tasks button).
- Press and hold an app among the two you selected.
- Click the Split screen option.
- Tap on the next app and use both the apps side by side.
In a few versions, instead of pressing the app, you can see three dots at the top right corner of the recently viewed app. This shows the Split-screen option when tapped.
This feature may not be applicable to all the applications.